Intelligent SSD and Data mining Summit was held in Shanghai

Intelligent SSD Data mining Summit was held in Shanghai. Valuegist Intelligent SSD dept. took part in the the summit with Valuegist’s intelligent SSD Solution. It shows how Valuegist revolutionized the storage in its own way.



Deliver high-performance, low power and small footprint SSD controller

Deliver SSD with highest levels of security to meet new requirements of the SSD market

Acquire high-quality, silicon-proven IP to meet aggressive time-to-market schedules


 Valuegist intelligent SSD Solution

In the Summit, Valuegist shows Valuegist’s intelligent SSD Solution and test result of Artificial Intelligence SSD’s(AI SSD) performance with Deep learning. As host Processing requires Data to be pulled from storage into Memory while Valuegist intelligent SSD Solution requires no datea movement and returns stable results regardless of dataset size. Valuegist intelligent SSD Solution allows for dataset growth with predictable executions and response. with an NVMe SSD at the core. No impact on host read/write. no impact on NVMe driver with standard protocols.

Also, it brings much MORE: Dedicated compute resources. HW acceleration for data analytics, Seamless programming model and scalable.



Achieved first-pass silicon success and volume production for STAR1000 SSD controller

Reduced power consumption and I/O latencies by 50 percent

Reduced SoC area by 7 percent

Implemented the highest level of security while achieving the best combination of power, performance and area

Valuegist computational Storage Solutions open a new view for the attendants and receive good feedback.