Trusted Natural Client Review with a Test Report

Trusted Natural Client Review with a Test Report

Trusted Review from Donald: Got a mini pc recently and needed more storage. Found this while looking for hard drives and had a great value! Works great and is now my backup drive! Came with good packaging and looks great! Donald Tran It is a trust reveiw, it is tested via an analyzes system of reviews and helps decide which ones to trust   Test and verify report as following: analyzes of reviews and helps you decide which ones to trust...
Feature of Valuegist 2.5 Inch Solid State Drive

Feature of Valuegist 2.5 Inch Solid State Drive

Valuegist SSD 2.5 Inch SATA 3 Internal Solid State Drive For Desktop PC Laptop Warranty 3 Years, anti-counterfeiting check from 100% high temperature tested before outgoing. Data retention up to 80 centigrade Sequencial read/write speed 500/390MB/s under SATAIII environment Light but endurable (40 gram or 1.4 ounce), alumilum alloy shell with black premium surface treatment Efficient Power Management,Performance-cost effective design, idea replacement for harddisk Valuegist do not necessarily out products always stands for the best performance, however It seriously consider the balance between product performance and price customer pay. Valuegist commit to deliver products and service to our valued customers with best combination of performance and cost. They work and behalf under a frame of multiple sides win-win, continue to seek benefit for our valued customers, employees, suppliers, partnerships as well as the society.   [wl_navigator]...